Okay, this is a funny little story. As many of you know, I am an incompetent blogger. I don't blog very often and I can't successfully change my background. I asked my very intelligent sister Jolisa to change it for me. I told her I liked red and black. Anyway, I got on the computer to check some of my friends blogs. My friend Amberley has a darling baby boy and I love to check up and see how he is doing and what they are up to. Well, as I was looking at her blog, I had a very distinct thought run through my head....."I bet Jolisa picked this background for my blog" After I finished, I went to my own blog to see if she had changed it. Sure enough it was the same background as Amberley!! It was surreal looking at it....I knew she was going to pick that one...isn't that funny? This happens to me quite often....I think of something and then it happens or already has happened. Thanks Jolisa for helping me- you and Amberley have great taste!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
So I just spent 20 minutes of my precious time (yes time is precious when the sweet babies are asleep) trying to get a new template for my blog. The old one was making me nauseous, literally, and so I tried to change it and ended up with this. Can anyone tell me how to get one from thecutestblogontheblock? I tried, but it says I need to change my template to Minima????Help and sorry about the crazy colors.
We sold our home in Riverton and moved to Orem. We are renting the basement of a house right now. It is closer to Steven's new office and that is really nice. I miss Riverton!! I have been back a few times and always have such nostalgic feelings. I absolutely loved our time there. I miss seeing friends, but luckily I have been able to see them a couple of times. I will have to post some pics of the new house for those of you who have requested them. I just barely got things put away.........It is fun to be down here closer to Steven's family and the mountains are so pretty.
Along with moving, two of my sisters were in town and we had some pictures taken. I love when my sisters come to visit, it is so great to spend time with them. I wish Amy and Jolisa lived closer. My best memories are those I have when we were all young. We had such a great time being an all girl family, we relied on one another a lot and we still do today. I will be forever grateful for each one of them and their individuality.
Julie, Amy, Me, Jolisa, Lori

Here is my sweet mom and her 14 grandchildren! I love these kids so much! My mom is not only the best mom, but the best grandma......ya know, like the milk and cookies when you come over grandma!
Posted by Michelle at 9:20 PM 6 comments