I knew that would get your attention. Yeah, so I fell......like down.......on the cement.....in public. This wasn't just a trip, oh no- this was a flat out fall and tear my pants, bleeding knees, painful fall. I haven't fallen or really hurt myself in years. I watch my little ones fall all the time and get scrapes and bruises and bumps, give them a hug and tell them to keep playing. Now, I have a lot more sympathy for them. I must be getting old because they rest of the day I felt like I couldn't walk. My hands hurt and my knees were on FIRE! It must not affect kids like it does old people like me. It was kind of funny. Ruby said, "what did you do mom, did you just trip?" It must have been kind of shocking to see me like that flat on the ground. I'm healing up nicely thanks:)
So now that I've entertained you all with my humiliating experience of falling. Let's move on.
So now that I've entertained you all with my humiliating experience of falling. Let's move on.
I'm back. Come on, it has only been 7 months. Serious slackage in the blog department- Thanks to all those who haven't given up on me and encouraged me to update. I really love tapping into your lives and the absolute cuteness of your kids so let me share some cuteness with you.
Corinne is growing so much. She is 9 months and she is obviously very happy! Coco has been such a good baby for our family. She has made me a better mom-given me more perspective on what life is really about. She eats great and smiles ALL THE TIME- At least with people she knows. Like all my kids she has been wary of strangers. I don't know if I have done something to cause this, but I know it bugs some people that my kids aren't "good with other people" but I can honestly say I don't know what to do about it. They are who they are! Take us or leave us. I'm a little sensitive to issue lately......I'm working through it:)
George took Karate lessons over the summer. He loved it! He wants to wear his karate clothes for halloween. He started kindergarten and is reading really well. There is no more "baby" in my baby boy! He wants to do everything Steve does and would live outside if I let him. I love his personality.
We bought a home in Saratoga Springs in May. It is really nice having more room and having our own home. It is a lot of work though, the yard was in total disarray and the house needed (still needs) a facelift, but it is such a blessing. I love the area. It is absolutley beautiful out here. I have never appreciated Utah Lake, but it is so pretty from this side. I'm still getting to know people in the neighborhood, everyone is very nice. George and Ruby have found a few friends, but they honestly prefer just playing together.
Steve is still working hard and finishing up his Master's Degree. I have 10 piano students and am trying to play more.
I better stop here lest I lose my readers.....this is getting long. I will post some picture of the house soon. Thanks for reading!