This is the view from my front yard right this very moment....looks cold doesn't it? I love living by water. Okay so it is just Utah Lake but let me tell you how beautiful it can be. I should have gotten a picture when everything was green and the water was blue, but this will have to do. I have the best view and live in a beautiful place.

Karate Kid

Cute Genie

Okay is it seriously only 4:49pm?? This daylight savings thing is driving my nuts. My girls are up at 6:00 and it feels like we should be getting ready for bed right now. I used to love when it got dark earlier. I loved coming home and feeling like the day was over, but now I just want it to be light when Steve gets home. He won't be home for 2 more hours..........
Here are my Halloween kids. They loved it and were so excited to get CANDY!
Karate Kid
Cute Genie
Pink Monster with red eyes-very halloweeny!